3 Reasons To Avoid Flushing “Flushable Wipes”

Yes, you must avoid flushing “flushable wipes”. Wet wipes are perfect for performing simple cleanups, and according to the packaging, they’re often flushable for easy disposal. However, even though wet wipes break down and dissolve eventually, they take a much longer time to do so than toilet paper. They can easily lead to clogged pipes, blockages, and even clogged sewers and septic systems. The following guide explains why you should avoid flushing them at all.

Why Should You Stop Flushing Wet Wipes?

1. Slow Breakdown Of “Flushable Wipes”

While toilet paper breaks down in a day or so, wipes take longer because they’re made from synthetic materials. Plumbing experts have found that wipes can be intact within drain pipes even months after being flushed. Over time, they collect and build up clogs in pipes, sewers, and septic systems, growing larger as they absorb water. 

2. The Fatberg Effect


The fatberg refers to a large, hard mass of solid waste that accumulates in the sewer system, made of fat, grease, dirt, and other hygiene products that have been flushed. If wet wipes build up over time, they start to collect these additional products as they move through the pipes, creating a formation resembling an iceberg. These blockages can weigh over a hundred pounds in the sewage system and cause plumbing repairs worth thousands of dollars.

3. Septic System Damage

A large blockage can damage your home’s septic system. In some cases, the clog won’t remain in the drains, and it will move closer to the septic tank and interrupt its functions. As a result, wastewater can spill into the home through sinks, drains, bathtubs, and other openings connected to the plumbing. The required cleanup can cost thousands of dollars without including the cost to repair or replace the home’s septic system.

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